How To Create Lasting Changes Instead Of Failed Resolutions

Why is it so tough?
Did you make a New Year’s Resolution?
Are you among the sixty percent who give up on their resolutions after one week?
I suck at New Years Resolutions and giving things up. Because I instantly rebel when I can’t have something. But this year I want to reign in toxic habits overindulging on sweets. And instead of giving up, I’m using a method that actually works.
What’s your poison?
Do you want to eat better or exercise more, but do you feel like you lack the motivation and willpower?
It's not as hard as you imagine.I definitely don't have ironclad willpower, but I know a few tricks that make all the difference.
Avoid The Huge Mistakes That Derail Most People
Most people fail because they lack specific and clear steps.
For example, you want to give up sugar. But you’re so used to eating cookies and chocolate that you feel overwhelmed at the thought.
Would you plan to run a marathon without thinking about why?
And imagine approaching race day without running five or ten miles first? Seems crazy, right?
Instead, you create a training plan for your marathon. You break it down into easy, specific steps. You make a plan. And you stick to it.
Let's get started.
1. Pick a specific and clear goal.
- stop binging on sweets in the evening
- eating sugary junk food after lunch
- exercise for thirty minutes three times per week
2. Hone in on the why.
3. Make your goal foolproof.
4. Morph it into a habit.
- Write down your goal and post it in prominent places.
- Don’t question whether you want to or not, just do it.
- Make sure you have your healthy snacks, yoga gear, running shoes visible.
- Tell your friends and family about your goal. Note: you’re not asking for permission, but you’re letting people know. They may choose to join you.
5. Get back on the cart with compassion.
6. Track your progress.
Change is simpler than you think
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